Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Aoi-chan's Quickie - 6/8/2009

A light bulb, a seat structure, the suspension and the latest is the engine.
These are the items on Aoi-chan that's giving me problems. The worse being the seat structure. As you all know, i've fitted a SSCUS full bucket seat on the driver's side. The entire original seat was taken out and a new structure was put in to enable the bucket seat to be anchored to Aoi-chan. Now, as i found out yesterday, this particular structure has weakened a bit on one side due to the unnatural loading caused by my effort in going in and out of Aoi-chan. The result is that everytime i turn left (even at slow and not-so-sharp left turns), the whole seat would flex, causing me to misjudge the entry speed and line. And that my friends... is a bummer on a car that likes to go around corners.
Regarding the bulb, it's the main one at the right tailamp cluster. Funnily enough, as with the front ones, it's not easily accessible. I tried opeing as per the service booklet; failed. Tried accessing it from the boot (inside); failed. The thing is that, i could've just went to the shops to get it done, by seeing how hard i struggled and scratched Aoi-chan... forget it.
The suspension? Well... i dunno whether it's true or not; could've been misjudged by the seat. i'll conclude that one later.
The engine? The peculiar sudden rev of the engine that was due to faulty connection between the engine speed sensor happened suddenly this morning. i'm hoping that the sensor still works and the wires need some maintenance. If it's the sensor... then my pocket is doomed.

Aoi-chan... don't do this to me.... Huhuhuhu

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